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Irish Cement working as part of Team Limerick Clean-up
April 25, 2019
As part of the 2019 Team Limerick Clean-up 23 staff from Irish Cement’s factory in Limerick collected 54 bags of litter from the roadside verges around the neighbourhood.
Now in its 5th year, this annual Good Friday clean-up saw 21,000 volunteers from Residents Associations, Community Groups, Sports Clubs, Schools and Businesses throughout Limerick City and County cleaning up their local areas.
Commenting on this year’s event, Elaine O’Hehir Community Liaison Manager with Irish Cement said ‘This is a great initiative that has become a huge event for Limerick each year and the staff in the factory are always delighted to get involved. We had great weather this year and you can really see a difference when all the litter has been removed. It is an event that really gives you a sense of pride in your local area. ’
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